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LOGO BOTTOM Ian Bell Dentist Family cosmetic Bellevue WA
(425) 883-8333
15613 Bel-Red Rd., Ste. A, Bellevue, WA 98008

Lab Sequences

Before & After: Lab Sequence

Lab sequence for Inlay

Pretreatment; fractured composite restoration.
Pretreatment; fractured composite restoration.
Old composite removed and teeth prepped for impression.
Old composite removed and teeth prepped for impression.
Impression taken for laboratory technician to fabricate the inlays.
Impression taken for laboratory technician to fabricate the inlays.

Model made by the laboratory to make the inlays.
Model made by the laboratory to make the inlays.
Inlays in the model.
Inlays in model
Inlays in the mouth.
Inlays in mouth

Lab sequence with Denny Dental Lab for maxillary and mandibular posterior crowns to improve occlusion after orthodontics (after orthodontics the posterior teeth were not in occlusion).

Pretreatment view of maxillary arch
Pretreatment view of maxillary arch
Pretreatment view of mandibular arch
Pretreatment view of mandibular arch
Retreatment side view of maxillary and mandibular arch.
Retreatment side view of maxillary and mandibular arch.

Impression taken for Denny Dental Laboratory to fabricate maxillary crowns.
Impression taken for Denny Dental Laboratory to fabricate maxillary crowns.
Model made from impression to fabricate maxillary crowns.
Model made from impression to fabricate maxillary crowns.
Maxillary crowns on model.
Maxillary crowns on model.

Model for mandibular crowns.
Model for mandibular crowns.
Mandibular crowns on model.
Mandibular crowns on model.
Side view of maxillary/mandibular model preparation.
Side view of maxillary/mandibular model preparation.
Side view of crowns on lab model.
Side view of crowns on lab model.

Occlusal view of maxillary crowns.
Occlusal view of maxillary crowns.
Occlusal view of mandibular crowns.
Occlusal view of mandibular crowns.
Side view of maxillary and mandibular crowns in mouth.
Side view of maxillary and mandibular crowns in mouth.

Lab sequence for 3 root gold endo post from Denny Dental Lab

SG Lab endo 1
SG Lab endo 2
SG Lab endo 4

SG Lab endo 5
SG Lab endo 6
SG Lab endo 7

SG Lab endo 8
SG Lab endo 9
SG Lab endo 10

Lab sequence for anterior veneers with Denny Dental Lab

Fractured maxillary anterior tooth.
Fractured maxillary anterior tooth.
Fractured maxillary anterior tooth.
Fractured maxillary anterior tooth.
Facial view of veneers fabricated on working die model.
Facial view of veneers fabricated on working die model.
Veneers placed in mouth.
Veneers placed in mouth.

Lab sequence for inlays and crowns with Denny Dental Lab

Pre-procedure photo (large, failing amalgams and composites)
Pre-procedure photo (large, failing amalgams and composites)
Teeth preparations in mouth
Teeth preparations in mouth
Impression of teeth preparation for lab.
Impression of teeth preparation for lab.

Model of impression used by laboratory technician to make crowns and inlay.
Model of impression used by laboratory technician to make crowns and inlay.
Denny Dental Lab fabricated crowns and inlay on model.
Denny Dental Lab fabricated crowns and inlay on model.
Final porcelain crown and inlays on model.
Final porcelain crown and inlays on model.

Denny Dental Lab Fabricated Provisional (Temporary) Crowns/Wax up

Pre procedure photo of maxillary and mandibular arch.
Pre procedure photo of maxillary and mandibular arch.
Wax up of crowns to act as a guide for Denny Dental Lab and Dr. Bell to determine the shape and form of the final crowns. It also helps the patient visualize how the shape and length of their custom restorations will appear before receiving their new smile. This template is used by Denny Dental Lab to fabricate the temporary crowns to be worn by the patient while the permanent crowns are being made.
The template used by Denny Dental Lab to fabricate the temporary crowns to be worn by the patient while the permanent crowns are being made.
Provisional crowns in patients' mouth.
Provisional crowns in patients' mouth.


A flipper tooth is used for a short period of time, such as when a person is waiting for a more permanent tooth replacement option like dental implants or a fixed bridge. They’re often used to replace front teeth.
Diagram of a flipper tooth.

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D. Ian Bell, D.D.S.
Advanced Aesthetic, Restorative & Implant Dentistry
Bellevue-Redmond Professional Center

15613 Bel-Red Rd, Suite A
Bellevue, WA 98008-2348
(425) 883-8333
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